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Home / Latest News / Chair's Address: May 2020
Chair's Address: May 2020

Chair's Address: May 2020

May 2020

Dear SPE Aberdeen members, colleagues and friends, I hope this newsletter finds you and yours in good health. This month we have been finding new opportunities in these changing times and I am delighted to announce that the first Technical Webinar will take place on 27th May. It is the same Dana presentation we had scheduled for an Evening Technical Meeting in May but delivered earlier in the day and remotely; this webinar is free to attend. The quality of the meal afterwards is up to you not the Sandman Hotel! We have been in discussion with TECA / P&J Live to learn about their plans for reopening. Their operations team is working on several threads – using instant testing to have COVID-19 free meetings, conferences with social distancing, all digital and partly remote conferences. It was great to hear their ideas. They are continuing to work flexibly on our contracts minimising our financial exposure and we are grateful that they are focussing on the long-term relationship. We will continue to have regular meetings along with our conference partners, ICoTA, PESGB, AFES and of course Mearns & Gill. You will be able to keep up to date with all our events at The SPE Annual Report is due to be submitted shortly and I would like to express my gratitude not only to the committee chairs and vice-chair that have worked on the submission but to all the SPE Aberdeen volunteers whose work is described in the review, for the countless hours of volunteering to deliver our technical programmes and our outreach work. I am proud of and grateful to you all. Best wishes and stay safe. Kenny   Kenny McAllister SPE Aberdeen Chair

Interested in finding out more about the Aberdeen section, or would you like to get involved, then don’t hesitate to get in touch.

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