
The Society of Petroleum Engineers Aberdeen Section

Home / Achievements

The Aberdeen Section is one of the largest of the SPE Sections across the world and we are proud to have won the President’s Award for Excellence for 8 consecutive years in a row – the only section to do so ever.

SPE Aberdeen Section

SPE Aberdeen Section

With almost daily reports highlighting the skills gap in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) subjects in the UK, our Section has invested almost £25,000 over the last five years to support initiatives designed around these subjects, and this figure continues to grow year on year.

Student Scholarships

Student Scholarships

Since 2011, we have invested almost £200,000 in scholarships to support students studying oil and gas-related qualifications to relieve the financial stresses faced by students and allow them to focus on their studies.



We have been supporting the TechFest Festival of Science for more than 20 years. For more information about the TechFest Festival visit their website at

CV Workshops

CV Workshops

Section volunteers have held many CV workshops have been organised to help young people boost their career prospects.

Helping Future Engineers

Helping Future Engineers

Tours have been hosted during energy industry exhibitions for school age children, teachers and career advisers. Such activities create links between industry and teachers and those involved in helping students choose subjects and make career choices.



SPE’s outreach programme includes Energy4Me ; SPE’s global energy programme for primary and secondary schools, which has been inspiring the next generation since its launch in 2007. Locally we have successfully tailored this programme to fit with the Scottish Schools Curriculum for Excellence.

Maths in the Energy Mix

Maths in the Energy Mix

We support Maths in the Energy Mix, a maths challenge for secondary school children, with volunteers and resources for several years.

Student and YP Events

Student and YP Events

SPE Aberdeen section has successfully organised a number of new student careers and networking events including the Energy on Draft series in conjunction with SPE London and GESGB.

SPE Cares

SPE Cares

We have participated a the new initiative called SPE Cares, an SPE community service initiative, aimed at promoting, supporting and participating in charitable, education, humanitarian and social community services.

SPE Volunteers

SPE Volunteers

Hundreds of member volunteers are involved in SPE Aberdeen projects, events and initiatives each year. We are always looking for others to help our dedicated team of volunteers, please get in touch if you are interested in joining our team.

The fact that we can support and organise so many events and initiatives is thanks to our dedicated team of volunteers, and the financial support generated by attendance and sponsorship at our wide-ranging events programme.

SPE Aberdeen Section SPE Aberdeen Section SPE Aberdeen Section SPE Aberdeen Section


We encourage everyone in the petroleum sector to join us and gain access to the events and knowledge that are unique to SPE Aberdeen.