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Home / Latest News / Chair's Address: February 2020
Chair's Address: February 2020

Chair's Address: February 2020

February 2020

Dear SPE Aberdeen members, colleagues and friends, January saw SPE Aberdeen receive a visit from 2020 SPE President Shauna Noonan. Shauna met with the University of Aberdeen’s SPE Student Chapter and told them how SPE membership and participation in events helped shape her career. She discussed the changing role of petroleum and energy engineers and the importance of the digital transformation in their careers. Shauna also attended the SPE Aberdeen Board meeting; we were surprised to find this was the first section meeting Shauna had ever attended. January’s Evening Technical Meeting was presented by SPE Aberdeen’s former chair Ian Phillips leading a discussion of the Energy Transition. This event was a sell out and there was a very lively debate during the session which continued over dinner. Thanks to everyone who attended. Ian’s presentation replaced Shell’s Brent P&A presentation which has had to be rescheduled – we will let you know when that will be. Our Young Professional team held their first Tech Tour of 2020 at TechnipFMC ROV. The photos were amazing and there has been some excellent feedback. This is the busiest month for abstracts for our Continuing Education events. Please get scribbling! At this stage all we need is 200 words describing your proposed presentation for: DEVEX 2020, Hot and Cold – Welded and Non-Welded Connections, EuALF 2020 European Artificial Lift Forum, SPE Aberdeen Well Abandonment 2020. The call for abstracts has also just opened for our inaugural Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage conference. Go on, have a go! Kenny   Kenny McAllister SPE Aberdeen Chair

Interested in finding out more about the Aberdeen section, or would you like to get involved, then don’t hesitate to get in touch.

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