
The Society of Petroleum Engineers Aberdeen Section

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Student Development Committee

Student Development Committee

The Student Development Committee (SDC) engages with all university student activities at undergraduate and postgraduate levels and it is our mission to encourage all these students to pursue and develop a successful career in the energy sector.

SDC is formed by industry members, officers of the SPE Student Chapters and academic sponsors from the following four universities registered under SPE Aberdeen Section;

Our core values and activities include:

  • To collect, disseminate, and exchange technical knowledge
  • To provide opportunities for students to enhance their competence
  • Encourage and aid the formation of SPE Student Chapters and to further liaise with industry to provide support to the universities and their Chapter.
  • SPE Aberdeen Section has long encouraged high standards of academic achievement among petroleum engineers and we annually provide bursaries to students studying petroleum engineering-related subjects.
  • We also support attendance at technical events, assist students obtain internships, organise company tours and technical speakers.

Our 2025 Student Bursary Award winners have just been announced! Keep an eye on our social media channels for the announcement that SPE Aberdeen Section will be inviting applications for their student bursary awards that will be awarded early in 2026.

If you are a member of one of our four student chapter universities: Aberdeen, RGU, Heriot Watt and Dundee, then you are eligible to apply.

20240318 SPE Bursaries 152
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For all enquires email

Committee Members

Graham Skinner

Graham Skinner

Student Development Chair

  • 20240318 SPE Bursaries 161
  • 20240318 SPE Bursaries 159
  • 20240318 SPE Bursaries 109
  • Student Bursary 56
  • Student Bursary 40
SPE Aberdeen Section SPE Aberdeen Section SPE Aberdeen Section SPE Aberdeen Section


We encourage everyone in the petroleum sector to join us and gain access to the events and knowledge that are unique to SPE Aberdeen.