
The Society of Petroleum Engineers Aberdeen Section

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Programme Committee

Programme Committee

The Programme Committee organises Evening Technical Meetings which are the core elements of the SPE mission – Education and Networking.

We aim to provide the attendees with a chance to learn from the experts in the industry, hear about the prominent North Sea basin projects and innovative technologies and network with the peers over dinner.

Every year we also have visiting speakers from the SPE’s Global Distinguished Lecturer Programme.

For all the details of upcoming talks and to book a place click here

Events are open to SPE members and non-members.

Please note that members of the following organisations – EI, IMECHE, InstMC and OEUK – can attend our event at the member rate.

If you are interested in helping create our technical programme of evening meetings, please contact Diane Wood our Section Manager on

Alternatively, please feel free to contact committee member if you have an idea for a meeting or talk.

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For all enquires email

Committee Members

Ian Phillips

Ian Phillips

Section Director & Chair - Programme Committee

Farisha Ragbirsingh

Farisha Ragbirsingh

Programme Committee Vice Chair

SPE Aberdeen Section SPE Aberdeen Section SPE Aberdeen Section SPE Aberdeen Section


We encourage everyone in the petroleum sector to join us and gain access to the events and knowledge that are unique to SPE Aberdeen.