
The Society of Petroleum Engineers Aberdeen Section

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Memberships, Marketing & Communications

Memberships, Marketing & Communications

The role of the MMCC is to increase our section membership through effective and efficient connectivity and marketing to our local members and beyond.

We use social media to enhance our connectivity with all interested parties and to direct them to the information they require.

Our website is the central repository for all information needed by our local SPE network. We encourage a multi-disciplinary membership, not from just engineers but from across the spectrum of industry professionals, regardless of experience or course of study.

For more information and to join SPE, please visit

SPE Maritime 38

For all enquires email

Committee Members

Diane Wood

Diane Wood

Section Manager

Gillian Brock

Gillian Brock

Administration Support

Anna MacLaren

Anna MacLaren

MMC Chair

Gaby Beaton

Gaby Beaton

MMC Vice Chair

SPE Aberdeen Section SPE Aberdeen Section SPE Aberdeen Section SPE Aberdeen Section


We encourage everyone in the petroleum sector to join us and gain access to the events and knowledge that are unique to SPE Aberdeen.