
The Society of Petroleum Engineers Aberdeen Section

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Continuing Education

Continuing Education

The Continuing Education (CE) Committee is responsible for organising technical conferences and event for the Aberdeen SPE Section.

The SPE‘s Mission is:
“to collect, disseminate, and exchange technical knowledge concerning the exploration, development and production of oil and gas resources, and related technologies for the public benefit; and to provide opportunities for professionals to enhance their technical and professional competence.”

That’s just what we do, we look for gaps in the industry and look provide knowledge sharing. From well-known names such as Topsides UK, DEVEX and EuALF through to newer events such as our newly launched CCUS conference.

It’s not just SPE, we actively team up with many other industry societies such as ICoTA. PESGB, IMechE to name a few. This enriches our technical content and makes it easier to reach a wider audience and ensure we are enhancing everyone’s efforts rather than overlapping or duplicating.

Each event has its own committee structure with an appointed chair and vice-chair. We like to maintain continuity and make succession plans, so we look for the vice-chair to take the reigns at the next event. The committee is made up between 10-15 technical experts from across industry and academia, we are fortunate enough to have a huge input from the Operator community

We are constantly seeking technical experts and organisers to participate in the various event committees. We’d also welcome any suggestions for technical subjects not already covered.
The CE Committee itself currently consists of a Chair and a Vice-Chair. Due to the success of our events programme and the sheer number and variety of events, we are actively seeking interested SPE members to join in and hopefully increase this committee to around four.
Being a part of the CE committee gives an insight into the process of putting tighter multiple large-scale events. It allows you to converse with some of the best technical experts in the industry and opens up a whole new area of networking.

Stewart Mc Intosh

For all enquires email

Committee Members

Stewart McIntosh

Stewart McIntosh

Section Chair

Stuart McIntosh

Stuart McIntosh

Co Chair - Continuing Education

SPE Aberdeen Section SPE Aberdeen Section SPE Aberdeen Section SPE Aberdeen Section


We encourage everyone in the petroleum sector to join us and gain access to the events and knowledge that are unique to SPE Aberdeen.