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The 2022-2023 Session Is Officially Underway!

The 2022-2023 Session Is Officially Underway!

September 2022

The 2022-2023 Session Is Officially Underway!

Taking place last week at Aberdeen Science Centre, our section kick-off event was a fantastic night for all involved. Opening the night up beyond members, we invited many of our partners and supporters to attend, seeing first-hand how their contribution ensures that SPE Aberdeen inspires the next generation of industry leaders and experts. Taking full advantage of the brilliant, cutting-edge facilities available at the science centre, it provided the perfect location for many of our committees to showcase their commitment to developing the future of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. There was no better example of this than having the brilliant Mintlaw Academy ROV team in attendance. We'd like to extend a massive thank you to everybody who attended our session launch event for coming along, getting involved, and taking the opportunity to discuss the exciting future ahead for the SPE Aberdeen section, as well as to the team at ASC for being so accommodating in hosting our event. If you're interested in finding out more about the Aberdeen section, or if you'd like to get involved yourself, then don't hesitate to get in touch; details here.

Interested in finding out more about the Aberdeen section, or would you like to get involved, then don’t hesitate to get in touch.

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