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Congratulations to all our SPE Regional and Section Award Winners

Congratulations to all our SPE Regional and Section Award Winners

September 2019

Congratulations to all our SPE Regional and Section Award Winners This week, during Offshore Europe, we held our annual award ceremony. This event was a great opportunity to celebrate all the hard work, dedication and commitment of our volunteers; all of whom played a significant role in the section being awarded the SPE President’s Award for Section Excellence. Sami Al-Nuaim, SPE President, was on hand to present all the awards. The full list of awards recipients is below – congratulations to all. SPE Aberdeen Section Awards: Stuart McIntosh – Section Service Award Janis Corbett – Section Service Award Lorraine Mutch - Section Service Award Alfred Akisanya - Section Service Award – Student Chapter Faculty Sponsor Liz Hodge – Section Service Award – Aberdeen Science Centre University of Aberdeen – Best Student Chapter Award Heriot-Watt University – Highly Commended Student Chapter   SPE Regional Award Winners Elliot Kinch - Regional Public Service Award Brenda Wyllie – Regional Service Award Ritika Pawar - Regional Service Award Graham Skinner - Regional Service Award

Interested in finding out more about the Aberdeen section, or would you like to get involved, then don’t hesitate to get in touch.

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