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Chairman's Message: April 2018

Chairman's Message: April 2018

April 2018

ianphillipsDear SPE Aberdeen members, colleagues and friends, Every year our Continuing Education committee puts together an exciting and interesting programme of events, reflecting our members’ areas of interests, and this year is no exception. The 2018 events kicked off last month with the 8th Sand Management Euroforum, organised jointly by the section and the Sand Management Network. This year’s theme was Innovative Technologies and Case Studies that Drive Value and Performance. Next month, Seismic 2018, DEVEX 2018 and Topsides UK all take place. Last year’s one day Seismic event was a new addition to the calendar and such was its success, this year it is a two day event focussing on Seismic through the asset lifecycle – building for the future. Due to popularity, this event is currently sold out! DEVEX 2018, Working together from pore space to pipeline, is now in its 15th year and continues to go from strength to strength. This is jointly organised with PESGB and AFES and we are delighted that again this year, with the support of the event partners, we were able to offer 300 free delegate places. These places were released last month and were snapped up in an impressive 3 hours! The programme of events includes expert-led workshops, core on display, a Young Professionals event and the ever popular field trip. Finishing off a busy month will be Topsides UK 2018, and building on last year’s event there will be a strong focus on maximising economic recovery. The biennial EuALF Artificial Lift Euroforum takes place in June with Maximising Economic Lift as its theme. During the early planning stages an exclusive survey was conducted by the SPE EuALF committee which identified the top 5 Artificial Lift issues for today’s operators - all of these issues will be discussed at this event. The calendar of events wouldn’t be complete without our ever popular Well Abandonment seminar. Now in its 8th year, the focus for this year’s Well Late Life and Well Abandonment conference will be Managing Late Life Wells to Maximise Value & Optimise Abandonment. Already the exhibition space at this event is sold out! The technical programmes for all these events are available on the section’s website and bookings are being taken. Last but not least for 2018 will be the annual SPE ICoTA Well Intervention conference in November: Collaborate & Educate to Reinstate, Rejuvenate & Optimise Production. This annual event is now in its 24th year and abstracts are now being sought. The section are always looking to add new events and looking ahead, 2019 will see the launch of Pump and Pipes UK which we are very excited about. This event has run successfully in Houston for the last 10 years, and will provide a platform for the oil & gas, medical and space industries to share technologies. Keep an eye on the section’s website for updates on this event. Also under development is a new Petroleum Economics conference – again keep an eye on the section’s website for information on this event Details of all these events, including sponsorship and exhibition opportunities, can be found on the section website If there is a specific topic you would like to see featured at one of our events please get in touch the chair of our Continuing Education committee at I look forward to seeing you at our events.

Interested in finding out more about the Aberdeen section, or would you like to get involved, then don’t hesitate to get in touch.

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